This book Fuck Coping, is a wonderful read for those living with anxiety. If you find the book useful, there is also a 12 week online course that may help you change the way you respond to anxiety.
This book is useful and if you find it helpful there is a twelve week online course with a weekly video and daily ten minute talks.
Fuck Coping - Start Healing
Dennis Simsek
Welcome to the beginning of the end of your anxiety. Together, you and the author are headed toward an inner transformation. It begins with an inner awakening followed by a rebirth, and then by moving through life with a brand-new pair of lenses. This is a process that holds no timeline for your healing. It’s a journey where the balance between your desire for certainty and faith in uncertainty meet. I like to call this a flow state. It’s the place where fighting with your current thinking patterns, your rocky past, your physical sensations, and your emotions become a thing of the past. Through Fuck Coping, Start Healing, you will find harmony between your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, and your body, and the results will be nothing short of miraculous.A passionate CBT and NLP master practitioner/life coach, Dennis continues to inspire millions worldwide throughout The Anxiety Guy Podcast on iTunes, his popular blog at www.theanxietyguy.com, as well as his many social media channels online. His fun loving, gentle, and yet straight forward coaching style has helped many people truly understand that they are more than anxiety.“Don’t believe everything you feel.” - Dennis Simsek
Nicola is a psychologist and psychotherapist who has suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over twenty years and has written this book, has a podcast and a video that is free to watch called “Freedom from Anxiety".
The “Calm App” beautiful meditations, stories, podcasts and music for anxiety, work stress, children, bedtime stories for adults.
Eliminating Stress MP3. 32 minutes of a guided relaxation with Bruce Wiess
Any web search on Progressive Muscle Relaxation will result in a selection of options to choose from
Yoga Nidra : Tara Fitzgibbon can be found on Spotify and will help you sooth and calm yourself for a full body and mind relaxation
Practical solutions for Panic attacks- iced water for your feet - submerge feet in ice filled bucket or put ice on carotid or femoral arteries. Walk. Breathe in to the count of 5 slowly, hold for five and then breathe out very slowly to the count of seven. Tighten and contract your anus.
One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that we have a very strong “internal locus of control.” In other words, we believe that our success in life is a function of the motivation and ability that we bring to the world. Less successful people tend to see success as a function of external factors — or the environment.